Billow Marketing, LLC

Which Social Media Platform is Best?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]The time to “pick one platform where your customer is” may have passed. Instead of choosing one channel to use, many business owners opt for a mix – to be able to reach each target market where they need, and to reach more on the various platforms that they engage in. Social Media Platforms […]

What is a Social Media Content Schedule

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]A social media content schedule is a visual schedule of what your business is going to post about each month to your social media channels. Setting up a monthly social media content schedule shouldn’t be hard. Whether this task is an internal one or outsourced through social media marketers, it should definitely be on […]

Marketing Consultation & Trainings

[vc_row tlg_background_style=”bg-primary”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Whether you need help understanding how to manage your own social media pages on a day-to-day basis or know what you are doing, our marketing trainings will help you develop effective marketing strategies so that you excel and you are able to put your newfound knowledge to use on your Business pages! New […]

Instagram & Hashtags

[vc_row tlg_background_style=”bg-primary” tlg_parallax=”not-parallax” css=”.vc_custom_1493323845715{background-image: url( !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Instagram now has over half a billion “active” users and is continuously growing. It’s a very simple, easy-to-use photo sharing app, so it’s a great way to capture other’s attention with your photos and engage them in your posts. You can now have a “clickable” link to your business’ website […]

Only 1 Star for Facebook’s New Endorsement Feature

We were so excited to hear about the new endorsement feature on Facebook but wished it had come out earlier in the season. We are working on the social media for the re-election campaign for Lawrence Davis to the Sherman City Council and we were hoping this would be a great way to showcase his […]

Marketing to Millennials

Did you know that Millennials make up 80% of the market? They are technologically savvy and because they are, business’ need to use that to their advantage. 75% of them have at least one social media account. This statistic is enough reason for business to focus their social strategies to this market. Millennials love things on […]

To Sell Your Product or Service, You Need Marketing!

Advertising is the act of getting the word out to consumers about a product or service. Marketing is the larger process of successfully selling products or services to the consumer from start to finish. Marketing may begin as early as the research and development stage and involves market research, product development, pricing, sales strategies, distribution, […]

We’ve Added to Our Portfolio

Billow Marketing has been busy building websites the last few months.  We have 3 that were launched recently that we’d like to share.  We invite you to peruse each site and let us know what you think. Shakespeare in the Grove It’s great that WordPress offers such great themes! The Tempera theme is the one […]

4 Cloud Tools Perfectly Suited for Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a keystone for many companies’ Internet marketing efforts, with a recent Nielsen survey reporting that 64 percent of companies are increasing their social media marketing spending. If you’re gearing up to expand your social media marketing presence in 2014, work smarter rather than harder, by employing some of these cloud based tools […]