Why Branding Is Important For Your Company

[vc_row tlg_background_style=”bg-primary” tlg_parallax=”not-parallax” css=”.vc_custom_1494529102094{background-image: url(https://billowmarketing.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/background.png?id=5606) !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Is your company memorable like Nike, McDonald’s, or Microsoft? Would you like it to be? Well, it’s all about the brand. A good brand is important for any business. If your business already provides a good product and service, proper branding will give you the opportunity to put a valuable […]

Marketing to Millennials

Did you know that Millennials make up 80% of the market? They are technologically savvy and because they are, business’ need to use that to their advantage. 75% of them have at least one social media account. This statistic is enough reason for business to focus their social strategies to this market. Millennials love things on […]

Rebranding The Handy Manning

Rick Manning, owner of The Handy Manning contacted Billow Marketing in August 2012.  Rick wanted his company to grow and to do that, he needed to change the way his clientele thought of him.  He didn’t want to be thought of as a handyman anymore.  Rick wanted to let the public know he was a […]