Marketing to Millennials

Did you know that Millennials make up 80% of the market? They are technologically savvy and because they are, business’ need to use that to their advantage. 75% of them have at least one social media account. This statistic is enough reason for business to focus their social strategies to this market. Millennials love things on […]

To Sell Your Product or Service, You Need Marketing!

Advertising is the act of getting the word out to consumers about a product or service. Marketing is the larger process of successfully selling products or services to the consumer from start to finish. Marketing may begin as early as the research and development stage and involves market research, product development, pricing, sales strategies, distribution, […]

Billow Marketing to Sponsor Craft Beer Festival

Billow Marketing is a proud sponsor of the first Craft Beer Festival benefiting DSP&R in Downtown Sherman.  This event is the first of it’s kind in Sherman and it sounds like it’s going to be so much fun.  Not only will there be the main event on the Courthouse Square on April 16th from 5 […]